We often need accessories to decorate parts of our business. The kitchen is one of the most important spaces in any hospitality business, because we spend a lot of time there. That's why Comas offers you an innovative kitchen magnet which will help you to use it to its best. Read on and discover its benefits!

Different types of kitchen magnets

Magnets can be so much more than just something to put on the fridge We have a varied range of kitchen magnets for you. That means you can find a way to better use the space, particularly if it is not very large. And all the utensils you need will be better arranged. The main advantages are: 

1. Magnetic knife rack The magnetic knife rack is one of our specialisms. It allows you to arrange your knives the way you like. That might be by type of knife or some other feature. The important thing is to be able to find them easily when you need them. We realise that in a restaurant or hotel kitchen lots of orders have to be prepared at the same time. That makes a magnetic knife rack a good investment. 

2. Wooden magnet A wooden magnet is the perfect blend of looks and function for your kitchen. Like other magnets, a wooden magnet can hold the different utensils you need as you cook. But in this case, you get so much more because of wood's strong aesthetics. This type of magnet brings style to your establishment and gives it that extra touch you’ve been looking for to stand out from your competitors. 

3. Stainless steel magnet Stainless steel is another ideal material for magnets. For that reason, stainless steel magnets are stronger than magnets in other materials. They have a much longer useful life, which means you will earn a return on your investment over a longer time. 

Stainless steel magnets are ideal for holding every kind of utensil – knives, forks, spoons and more. Another of its features is versatility in the widest sense. 

In conclusion, having a stainless steel kitchen magnet allows you to arrange all the tools you need just as you want them. Your kitchen staff can often spend a long time looking for the knife, the tool that they absolutely must have at any given moment. A stainless steel magnet solves that problem for you. 

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